Applied Marketing Research Projects
Marketing data science research projects that seek to answer a specific business-related question and have been approached using scientific methods.Here, you will find a collection of unique marketing research projects that apply marketing data science to answer various research questions related to business. Each project follows a structured approach that involves data collection, question development, data analysis, and outcome evaluation. As a marketing researcher, I have always been fascinated by how data can be used to make informed business decisions. These projects cover a range of topics, including consumer behavior, market segmentation, and brand positioning, among others. By exploring these projects, you will gain insights into the different methodologies used in marketing research and how they can be applied to real-world scenarios and hopefully learn how to interpret and evaluate research outcomes to make informed business decisions.
This research used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify review sentiment and customer satisfaction trends from a dataset provided by the client was a CSV file containing around 5000 hotel reviews posted on the Trip Advisor website from 2003 to 2022. Each review is associated with a customer rating of 5, which was used for comparative analysis. An object-oriented, high-level programming language, Python, along with several Python libraries, was primarily used to conduct this research. Explore this Python project →
The purpose of this study was to ascertain hypothesised linkages between eWOM and a parent’s intention to enquire at a senior independent school, measures of trust, and if a causal link between eWOM and registration could be ascertained. A quantitative study approach was adopted by gathering primary data, in the form of a questionnaire, from a sample of parents who had enquired at the school. Explore this Analysis ToolPak / SPSS project →
Between two groups that are distinct in terms of location and economic status, it was attempted to ascertain if there was a difference in price elasticity of demand for creative digital assets. The tool for price elasticity of demand analysis available in Excel's Solver add-in was used to compute elasticities and produce the results using Solver's GRG Nonlinear engine. Explore this Analysis ToolPak / Solver project →
Across three broad value-based segments it was attempted to ascertain a number of outcomes such as churn rate, defection rate and customer lifetime value (CLV) for a web hosting provider. The model employed was the General Retention Model (GRM) which expands the Simple Retention Model (SRM) and allows for time-varying retention rates and cash flows, as well as cash flows that are dependent on the time of cancellation. Explore this Analysis ToolPak project →
Both recruitment and retention are critical to the success of an independent school. It has been attempted to ascertain if there is a relationship between either the transport provision or the offering and the withdrawal rates. The focus of this project was on the day pupil market and the management of pupil and parental information only. We have been able to determine that data gaps do exist, and the most relevant business question surrounds the suitability of the school transport network. Explore this Analysis ToolPak / Solver project →